Invtestigating elemsnts affecting the purchasing decisions of low emission cars: a study of Egypt
This article provides a study about the customers’ priorities and point of views about alternative fuel vehicles. Presently green technology and specifically green transport have grown to be of great importance for car manufacturers, customers, and energy providers in most of the developed countries. However, in developing countries this idea is considered rather new and is not considered a priority for the manufacturers nor the customers.
Worldwide many governments and business field stakeholders are pouring a great deal of endeavor to understand the customer’s behavior in order to enhance their green product and make it more appealing for customers. While in Egypt the low percentage of private investment in the energy sector is an obstacle for the technological aspects of energy production, distribution and consumption. The study involves nearly 1086 respondents to define the most significant customer behavior parameters related to buying alternative fuel vehicles. The questionnaire hence involves various variables such as financial considerations at the time of purchase, Long term financial concerns, gasoline and efficiency, fuel consumption, external and internal design characteristics, cargo capacity, and climate change.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Matjaz Knez, Alaa Othman, Ahmed Dabees, Baher Rahma
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The International Maritime Transport and Logistics Journal (MARLOG)
E-ISSN: 2974-3141
P-ISSN: 2974-3133
Published by:
Academy Publishing Center (APC)
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)
Alexandria, Egypt