Analysing the barriers of sustainable supply chain in fashion sector: a review

Rowan Abd Elbary, Sahar Elbarky, Sara Elgamal, Matevz Obrecht


Purpose: the aim is to figure out the barriers and challenges that mostly influence sustainable fashion supply chain especially textile in order to develop the industry in Egypt

Design/Methodology/Approach: About 59 academic papers, books, were used from different search engines like the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, Emerald insight and Elsevier, to identify the barriers that influence sustainable supply chain in the Egyptian fashion industry

Findings: The fashion industry’s supply chains are facing some internal and external environmental, social and economic challenges and barriers to being sustainable in Egypt

Research Implications/ Limitations: very limited research focusing on fast fashion supply chain sustainability, especially in the Egyptian Industry.

Practical Implications/ Limitations: Practitioners have lack of knowledge about sustainability recognition and information about sustainability gains

Originality: The paper gives academics and practitioners guidance on how to better understand the challenges and barriers to applying and implementing sustainable strategies in the Egyptian fashion industry supply chain.

Keywords: fashion, apparel, slow fashion, fast fashion, Ultra-fast fashion, Sustainable development strategy, sustainability, sustainable supply chain, sustainable fashion, and supply chain barriers.


Sustainable development; supply chain; Sustainable fashion; Sustainable fashion; Social barriers

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Copyright (c) 2022 Rowan Abd Elbary, Sahar Elbarky, Sara Elgamal, Matevz Obrecht

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International Business Logistics
E-ISSN: 2735-5969
P-ISSN: 2735-5950

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Academy Publishing Center (APC)
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)
Alexandria, Egypt