Vol 2, No 1 (2023)

MRT Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2023

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Contact: gamalghalwash@aast.edu

Table of Contents


Towards enhancing major emergency initial response training: a comparative study of STCW and OPITO standards PDF
Sherif Aly, Hossam Eldin Gadalla, Ahmed Esmail 01-17
Exploring the usage of the LNG as fuel for offshore vessels PDF
Ahmed Salem, Mohamed Hassan 18-26
Maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) in Gulf of Suez: safety of navigation precautionary measures PDF
Amr Samir Nossir, Samy Isamil A. M. Youssef, Mohamed Essallamy 27-43
Maritime accidents analysis using maritime human factors and analysis model PDF
Eslam A. Youssef, Sameh F. El Sayed, Said Abdelkader 44-60
Evaluating learning management system and e-learning modules in maritime education PDF
Emeliza Torrento Estimo, John Erll N. Destacamento 61-69
Real Time Kinematic (RTK) heave as a replacement of Motion Reference Unit (MRU) heave in hydrographic surveying works PDF
Mohammed Elmeligy, Saad Mesbah, Mohamed Mohasseb 70-80
Egyptian shipyard partial lean manufacturing implementation PDF
Mahmoud H. Kheireldin, Ibrahim S. Seediek, Mohamed M. Elgouhary 81-92