Comparison of Sliding Mode Control and Fuzzy Logic control applied to Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems

Souhila Rached Zine, Mazari Benyounes, Mohamed Amine Bouzid


wind energy features prominently as a supplementary energy booster. It does not pollute and is inexhaustible. However, its high cost is a major constraint, especially on the less windy sites. The purpose of wind energy systems is to maximize energy efficiency, and extract maximum power from the wind speed. In This case, the MPPT control becomes important. To realize this control, strategy conventional Proportional and Integral (PI) controller is usually used. However, this strategy cannot achieve better performance. This paper proposes other control methods of a turbine which optimizes its production such as fuzzy logic, sliding mode control. These methods improve the quality and energy efficiency. The proposed Sliding Mode Control (SMC) strategy and the fuzzy controllers have presented attractive features such as robustness to parametric uncertainties of the turbine, simplicity of its design and good performances. The simulation result under Matlab\Simulink has validated the performance of the proposed MPPT strategies.


Wind turbine; maximum power point tracking; Sliding Mode Control; fuzzy logic control.

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Copyright (c) 2015 souhila rached Zine, Mazari Benyounes, Mohamed Amine Bouzid

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Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development

E-ISSN: 2356-8569

P-ISSN: 2356-8518


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Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)

Alexandria, Egypt