Surge behavior in Alexandria western harbor and its correlation to dominant meteorological condition
This study investigates the relationship between wind regime (speed and direction) and atmospheric pressure versus surge heights at Alexandria Western Harbor (AWH) over 19 months from 5th June 2018 to 9th January 2020. The paper is based on hourly sea level data acquired from the radar sensor installed at the harbor’s pier, and the simultaneous meteorological data were collected from Ras – El Tin weather station.
The surge data is extracted by t-tide package based on MATLAB software through the processing of sea level data, the results thus include astronomical tides and surge outputs. Results revealed that the surge height variated between 29.2 cm and 68 cm, with an overall mean of 50.7 cm over the study period. The dominant wind regime was NW, WNW, W directions, with variant speed between 0 and 19.55 ms-1. The mean wind speed over the period of investigation was 5.98 ms-1. As for the atmospheric pressure, it varied between 1001 millibar and 1026.6 millibar with a mean of 1011.81 millibar. Results also revealed that the wind speed has the upper hand in the observed variations in surge heights at AWH, with a correlation coefficient of (0.25), while the air pressure has also an inversely proportional correlation coefficient (- 0. 35) with surge height.
Received on: 28 November 2024
Accepted on: 30 December 2024
Published on: 14 January 2025
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Copyright (c) 2025 Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Heiba, Tarek Mohamed El-Geziry, Sameh Tawfik Abd El Fattah
Maritime Research and Technology
E-ISSN: 2812-5622
P-ISSN: 2812-5614
Published by:
Academy Publishing Center (APC)
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)
Alexandria, Egypt