The impact of Applying Emission Control Area (ECA) on the Suez Canal Competitiveness
The maritime shipping is the least mode of transportations, regarding the emitting of the Green House Gas (GHG) and despite the evolve of the IMO restricted rules to reduce the (GHG) from ships and where the price of shipping services still the cheapest, therefore the number of working ships still rapidly increase due to the growing of goods carried by seaborn, the Emission Control Area (ECA) is one of the methods to reduce (GHG), the aim of this paper is to analysis the economic visibility of existing and expected of (ECA) on the Suez Canal. considering the coast of passing Suze Canal, where existing of the (ECA) would increase the ships running coast, comparing to alternative routes available, therefor the research has 3 questions, First did exist of the (ECA) would reduce the Suze canal freight, second what is the probability that the shipping lines will choose alternative routes, third what the expected impact on the competitiveness of the Suez Canal. The analysis is based on publicly available information. The study hopes to contribute to reducing the GHG emission in shipping industry and ensuing lessening of climate change.
Received: 11 July 2023
Accepted:18 September 2023
Published: 25 February 2024
Full Text:
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamed Nabil Bahriz
Maritime Research and Technology
E-ISSN: 2812-5622
P-ISSN: 2812-5614
Published by:
Academy Publishing Center (APC)
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)
Alexandria, Egypt