Education, training, and capacity-development for the implementation of global maritime standards

Maximo Q. Mejia Jr


The role that shipping plays in facilitating trade has been indispensable throughout most of the history of human civilization. Indeed, shipping serves as the lifeblood of the global economy. In recent times it has become abundantly clear that humankind cannot continue to treat the oceans, and nature as a whole, as it has always done – as a pristine and inexhaustible supply of natural resources that can absorb the negative aspects of every operational activity undertaken on it – without giving thought to its state and sustainability.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Maximo Q Mejia Jr

Multidisciplinary Adaptive Climate Insights

E-ISSN: 3009-6332

P-ISSN: 3009-7924


Published by:

Academy Publishing Center (APC)

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)

Alexandria, Egypt