SWOT analysis on the importance of Egypt and Sudan logistics transportation networks: a systematic literature review

Jilan A. Keshta, Mai S. ElDine, Mostafa Saber, Andreea Barbu


Purpose: The aim of this research is to illustrate systematic literature review, investigating the importance of Egypt & Sudan cooperation in terms of logistics and transport networks through conducting a SWOT analysis to determine the main opportunities and barriers behind this cooperation and how to overcome these barriers.

Design/Methodology/Approach: In order to highlight Egypt and Sudan relations to offer and integrate various transportation networks and methods, a systematic literature review of 34 published research papers on Egypt and Sudan connectivity was conducted over 18 years. The main goal was to report on the most important research studies that matched the research keywords across multiple databases, report the research gap by displaying the research theoretical framework, and state what other researchers should consider. Consequential is the strategic analytical tool; SWOT analysis is based on the results of the systematic review analysis to evaluate internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats and that Egypt should address in integrating with Sudan.

Findings: It was determined that an insufficient number of research investigations has used the waterway connection to impede the flow of commerce to ascertain multimodal transportation. There has also been no additional investigation into the border terminals and route networks between Egypt and Sudan, which could potentially help in the enhancement of the countries’ import and export operations. Taking into consideration the main results and variables of the study, that should be tested in further studies, as it was found that enhancing activities, services, and hubs may be beneficial to the transportation networks, seaports, and logistics networks that surround the two nations.

Research Implications/Limitations: This research presents a narrative and systematic representation of logistics transportation networks resulting in pointing up the research theoretical framework, then a SWOT analysis to highlight the main strength points and opportunities for Egypt and Sudan for their transport and logistics development; attaining greater benefits for the two nations, but achieving this goal will require additional research and fact-finding.

Originality: Through identifying the effects of collaboration on the transport sector by enhancing inter-modality services and logistics services between the two nations, the research provides a significant addition to the literature, as there were a lack of studies investigating the cooperation between Egypt and Sudan and limited studies highlighting its importance. The theoretical models and findings from actual investigations developed by the researchers will aid in the infrastructure of transport networks connecting Egypt and Sudan, but this will necessitate extensive research and testing.


Egypt and Sudan, Multimodal, Logistics Centers/Hubs, Regional Integration and Transport Networks.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21622/ibl.2022.02.2.067


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Copyright (c) 2022 Jilan A. Keshta, Mai S. ElDine, Mostafa Saber, Andreea Barbu

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International Business Logistics
E-ISSN: 2735-5969
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Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)
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